Cleaning Services Pricing

Prices for quartely cleaning are for 1 can, with extra cans costing $5 each.

Prices for semi-annual cleaning are for 1 can, with extra cans costing $5 each.
One time cleaning prices are for 1 can additional cans $5 each.
Power Wash Service
Includes driveways, walkways, patios etc. They’ll have to call for pricing on these jobs.
All cleaning done whether its cans or power-washing uses 210 degree water at 3000 PSI. So specifically the cans will be washed, sanitized, disinfected and deodorized. We are ECO friendly using no chemicals to clean just hot water. And all of the dirty water from the cans goes into a holding tank and is disposed of accordingly.
News & Articles
Keeping you informed and your bins clean. We provide the latest news and articles, as well as bin cleaning services to keep your home tidy.